Да запеем дружно песента за отбора в нашите сърца Chant
Another ace chant from Levski Sofia, hard to hear the lyrics exactly but that's because everyone is singing in the stadium and it's echoing! We're not quite sure on the english translation - if anyone could let us know that would be great!
June 15, 2014
Square San Babila And Eiffel Tower Chant
Square San Babila and Eiffel Tower blue flag will be waving the only champion Levski will sing
June 15, 2014
Да запеем дружно песента за отбора в нашите сърца Chant
Another ace chant from Levski Sofia, hard to hear the lyrics exactly but that's because everyone is singing in the stadium and it's echoing! We're not quite sure on the english translation - if anyone could let us know that would be great!
June 15, 2014
Square San Babila And Eiffel Tower Chant
Square San Babila and Eiffel Tower blue flag will be waving the only champion Levski will sing
June 15, 2014
When The Darkness Comes Over Sofia Chant
Great sounding song (Kogato Nad Sofia Mrakne)
Jan. 10, 2013