Moliendo Cafe - Central Coast Chant
A jibberish song sung by the Marinators (main support group)- kinda pointless, but kinda catchy!
Oct. 8, 2010
Moliendo Cafe - Central Coast Chant
A jibberish song sung by the Marinators (main support group)- kinda pointless, but kinda catchy!
Moliendo Cafe - Central Coast Chant
A jibberish song sung by the Marinators (main support group)- kinda pointless, but kinda catchy!
Oct. 8, 2010
Basic chant, sung by whole stadium! Best use in fifa11 as a crowd chant!
Oct. 8, 2010
A fan favourite song. Sung during games, but more so in the streets after a good win. Best used as Winning song for fifa11!
Oct. 8, 2010
You're Not Going to Asia Chant
Sung at Newcastle because we're going the to AFC Champions League and they aren't (sung in tune of We're not gonna take it)
Dec. 13, 2011
A chant sung to our rivals Newcastle (in tune of You Are My Sunshine)
Dec. 13, 2011