Aguante Como Este Ya No Hay: CUDD Songs

Canción merengue (Ed: No tenemos la versión completa de esta canción si la tienes, por favor envíala)


Esta es la hinchada del Merengue, El club más querido y popular, Alienta en las buenas y en las malas, Aguante como este ya no hay, Dale dale dale "U", Dale dale dale "U", Dale dale dale dale dale "U", ¡Y dale "U"!… (Repeated)

Ed: We don't quite have the full version of this song if you have please send it in


These are fans from Merengue, The most popular and beloved club, Encourages in good and bad times, Endurance like this there is no more, Go on, go on, go on "U", Go on, go on, go on "U", Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on "U", ¡Go on "U"!… (Repeated)

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