Bellavista Es una Fiesta: CSI Songs

Los fanáticos del Italiano le hacen saber a sus rivales que tienen huevos


Pincha vos sos vigilante, No te la aguantas sin fierro, Sos igual que el trueno verde, ¡sos cagón! Aunque no demos la vuelta, Bella Vista es una fiesta, La locura de la droga y el descontrol, Vamos a correr a San Miguel, Y le vamos a demostrar, Que el Acia se la aguanta de verdad, Y no va con custodia policial...

In this FanChant Italiano fans let their rivals now they got real balls


Pincha you are a coward, You can't face us without guns, You're like Green Thunder, you're p*ssies! Despite we're not Champions, Bellavista is pure joy, A madness of drugs and partying, We're going to kick San Miguel out, And we'll show them that Acia got real balls, And don't need help from cops...

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