100 Años: C.A.S.L.A. Songs

Tema relatando las historias del club


Pasaron 100 años que late este sentimiento Quisieron privatizarte pero yo a vos no te vendo Nos siguen diciendo que estamos de la cabeza Nos bancamos el descenso hicimos la cancha nueva Yo quiero la banda en fiesta y en pedo Sabemos que vamo' a volver a Boedo A tanta locura no hay explicacion Si yo de pendejo que estoy junto a vos Tanto sentimiento tanto carnaval Nos hizo gloriosa por la eternidad

Song telling the stories of the club


It's been 100 years this feeling started, They tried to make you private but I'm not selling you, They keep on telling us we are crazy, We went down to the lower league and made a new stadium, I want the band to party and get drunk, We know we'll go back to Boedo, There's no way to explain all this madness, I'm with you since I was a kid, All this feeling, All this carnival, Made us glorious forever...

C.A.S.L.A. on Spotify
C.A.S.L.A. on iTunes

C.A.S.L.A. on Spotify

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