The fans from Vigo encouraging their team to go for the victory!
Our great Celta, we have come to win! Our great Celta, we have come to win! Lolololo lololo, we have come to win...
Los del Vigo alentando a ganar a su equipo
¡O Celta e a ostia imos a gañar! ¡O Celta e a ostia imos a gañar! Lolololo lolo, imos a gañar...
The fans from Vigo encouraging their team to go for the victory!
Our great Celta, we have come to win! Our great Celta, we have come to win! Lolololo lololo, we have come to win...
Los fanáticos del Deportivo no van a estar contentos!
¡Otro cántico en gallego por parte de los del Celta!