Boca Botón: RCA Songs

Siempre fuiste botón!


La Acade, Ponga h*evo vaya al frente con el corazón, Esta hinchada se merece ser campeón, Boca botón, La Acade, Ponga h*evo vaya al frente con el corazón, Esta hinchada se merece ser campeón, Boca botón, La Acade, Ponga h*evo vaya al frente con el corazón, Esta hinchada se merece ser campeón, Boca botón...

You have always been a snitch!


The Acade, Put some b*lls into it and go forward with your heart, These fans deserve to be the champions, Boca you snitch, The Acade, Put some b*lls into it and go forward with your heart, These fans deserve to be the champions, Boca you snitch, The Acade, Put some b*lls into it and go forward with your heart, These fans deserve to be the champions, Boca you snitch...

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