En la Cancha de Quilmes: QAC Songs

Canto de la hinchada de Quilmes


En la cancha de Quilmes, los mejores momentos vividos, A pesar de la yuta y de los ascensos perdidos, Vamos los Cerveceros, alentemos a los jugadores, Que esta banda esta loca solo quiere los colores. Cervecero vos sos parte de mi vida ohh, La locura, la razón de mi alegría ohh, Cervecero ponga h*evo vaya al frente, Que te lo pide toda la gente, Ganes o pierdas voy a quererte...

Chant from Quilmes supporters


In the field of Quilmes, the best moments lived, Despite of the police and the lost ascents, Let's, the Brewers, let's encourage the players, That this band is crazy just wants the colors. Brewer you're a part of my life, ohh, The madness, the reason of my joy, ohh, Brewer, put e*gs, go to the front, That you are asked by all the people, Whether you win or lose I will love you...

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