Dilni Vasha Ne Dritare: KFD Songs

Dilni vasha ne dritare kenga nga Intelektualet


Dilni vasha ne dritare, Pershedetni Intelektualet, Se n"Stadione ata po shkojne, Edhe fitoren ata e festojne, Ole, ole, ole, ole, Ole, ole, ole, ole, Kur lun kjo Drita na e kallim krejte, Kenga nuk ndalet, tribuna qohet peshe, Forca, Torcidat edhe kta Skifterat, Per neve jon Vetem Amatera, Ole, ole, ole, ole, Ole, ole, ole, ole…

KF Drita fans in full song


Come on, girls in the window, Greet "Intellectuals", Because in stadiums they are going, And the victory they are celebrating, Ole, ole, ole, ole, Ole, ole, ole, ole, When this Drita is playing we will burn it all, The song does not stop, the tribune becomes crazy, Forca, Torcidat and those Skifterat, For us they are only Amateur, Ole, ole, ole, ole, Ole, ole, ole, ole …

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