FC Züri zeig was chasch: FCZ Songs

Wänn du alles gisch und wänn du wirklich willsch, chasch ganz z'obersch stah


FC Züri zeig was chasch, Jede Gägner abelaah, Wänn du alles gisch und wänn du wirklich willsch, Chasch ganz z'obersch stah! Lololololoo... FCZ! FC Züri zeig was chasch, Jede Gägner abelaah, Wänn du alles gisch und wänn du wirklich willsch, Chasch ganz z'obersch stah! Lololololoo... FCZ...

If you give everything and if you want everything, then you can win the league


FC Zurich show what you can, Defeat every opponent, If you give everything and if you want everything, Then you can win the league. Lolololo... FCZ! FC Zurich show what you can, Defeat every opponent, If you give everything and if you want everything, Then you can win the league... Lolololo... FCZ!

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