Esta Noche Ganamos: CDT Songs

Un gran canto de los fans de Deportes Tolima, perfecto para ringtone


Vamos vamos muchachos, Que esta noche ganamos, Haremos a que tenemos huevos, Para salir campeón, Por eso a todos los jugadores, Que salgan a la cancha, En todo momento, Venimos a alentar, A todas las canchas, A cualquier lugar, Vamos Vino Tinto, Tienes que ganar... (Se repite…)

A great chant from Tolima Sports fans, perfect for a ringtone.Red wine is the nickname of the team


Come on come on guys, That tonight we win, We will do as we had b*lls, To be champion, Fo that all the players, Who go to the field, Every time, We come to encourage, To all the fields, To any where, Come on Red Wine, You must win... (Repeated…)

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