Alienta al Sabalero: CAC Songs

Tema de aliento con buena letra.


Te vengo a ver, Vengo a alentar, Esos colores, Hasta el final, Te vengo a ver, Te voy a seguir, Desde pendejo, Hasta morir, Aca esta tu hinchada , La que siempre da todo, Sin esperar nada, Alienta al Sabalero, En las buenas y en las malas esta presente, Y nunca te va abandonar...

Come on!


I came to see you, I came to support, Those colors, Until the end, I came to see you, I'm going to follow you, Since I was a child, Until I die, Here's you fans, The ones that give it all, Expecting nothing in return, The Sabalero supports, In the good ones and the bad ones we're here, And we'll never abandon you...

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