Inspired by the chant "ooo Paokara". Petrignani is the name of the East Stand of Armand-Cesari Stadium
Oooo Come on Bastia, We shall sing, Always for you, Listen Petrignani who begins shouting, Come on Bastia, we shall never leave you...
Inspiré du chant "ooo Paokara"
Oooo Bastia allé Canteremu Sempre per tèèè Ascolt'à Petrignani chi si mette a mughjà Forza Bastia, ùn ti lascieremu mai Français Oooo Bastia allé Nous chanterons Toujours pour toi Ecoute la Petrignani qui se met à crier Forza Bastia, on ne te laissera jamais
Inspired by the chant "ooo Paokara". Petrignani is the name of the East Stand of Armand-Cesari Stadium
Oooo Come on Bastia, We shall sing, Always for you, Listen Petrignani who begins shouting, Come on Bastia, we shall never leave you...