Cancion Eusko Gudariak: AC Songs

Canción de origen vasco, muy ligada al movimiento nacionalista vasco. "Eusko Gudariak" significa soldado vasco


Eusko Gudariak gara, Euskadi askatzeko, Gerturik daukagu odola, Bere aldez emateko. Irrintzi bat entzun da, Mendi tontorrean, Goazen gudari danok, Ikurriñan atzean, Athletic, (palmas), Athletic, (palmas)...

Song originally from the Basque Country closely linked to the Basque nationalist movement. "Eusko Gudariak" means basque soldier


We are the Basque Soldiers, To free the Basque Country, We have ready our blood, To give it for it, An irrintzi has been heard, On the top of the mountain, Let's go, all the soldiers, Under the Basque flag, Athletic, (claps), Athletic, (claps)...

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