For those who don't like a lot of Leeds on their biscuit
If you follow Leeds United then you must be f*cking scum, If you follow Leeds United then you must be f*cking scum, If you follow Leeds United then you must be f*cking scum, If you follow Leeds United then you must be f*cking scum...
AFCB on SpotifyIf You Follow Leeds United Chant
For those who don't like a lot of Leeds on their biscuit
Simple one, sung to Steve Fletcher, ex striker
I Just Can't Get Enough of Bournemouth Chant
Nice Bournemouth chant (Ed: Sang the way it should be too, nice, thanks for sending in)
Kevin Bond's Barmy Army, We Hate Leeds Scum Chant
Sang when our old manager was in charge and playing Leeds