Oh vamo Nippon, Nippon, Nippon, vamo Nippon. Oh vamo Nippon, Nippon, Nippon, vamo Nippon. Oh vamo Nippon, Nippon, Nippon, vamo Nippon...
Wow - brilliant sound on this chant, sung after victory - to the tune of 'I Am Sailing' by Rod Stewart
Standard song, sung at most games home and away, often for long periods of time.
This has become the first song that the supporters dive into right after YNWA, usually in conjunction with the LA12 procession.
This file is quite large so may take a shirt time to download (Ed: It's worth it though :))
Yokohama F. Marinos (21 Songs)
Hi ̄-tori ̄ hitori no ̄ kimochi o ̄ awasete ̄ Ta ̄ dori tsuko o ̄ ze saikō ̄ no basho e ̄ Tatakaou! Min'na de ̄ Yokohama F marinōsu Ore ga ya~tsu te ya ̄ru tte kimochi ga daiji-sa ̄