Fri 8 May
FanChants is on a mission to record and archive, forever, the world's football songs and chants. We feel it’s important to have a record of all these songs before they disappear into the past, never to be heard again.
If you feel the same then you could help us translate our website and apps into all the world's languages, so that people who don’t speak our current languages can participate - add songs and use the sites, apps and other mediums we play our songs through.
Currently we’re looking for people who can translate English language to native. There is around 10 hours work to begin with the promise of more later.
At the moment the work is voluntary but we would look to pay people for extra work in the future, if it works out. We’d give you some free albums of your choice and a free FanChants T-Shirt. You’d also be part of something good for the football community. Lastly, getting our content translated will mean we would also be able to get the sites and apps into your language sooner and publish your teams apps sooner.
If this sounds like something you would like to get involved with then please click here to send an email with the following questions answered:
Please include the answers to the following questions and any other information you feel may be relevant:
1. Please provide your name, contact details and languages spoken fluently.
2. How old are you?
3. What do you do for work/ study at university/ college>
4. How much do you love football?
5. What team do you support?
6. Do you go to games?
7. How good is your English on a scale of 1-10, 1 being just "yes", "please" and "thank you", 10 being fluent.
8. How are your languages skills, both written and spoken, in your native language?
9. How much time could you give to this project on a weekly basis?
Afrikaan |
Albanian |
Arabic |
Armenian |
Bahasa Indonesia |
Basque |
Bengali |
Bosnian |
Bulgarian |
Croatian |
Czech |
Danish |
Dutch |
Estonian |
Finnish |
Français |
German |
Greek |
Hebrew |
Hindi |
Hungarian |
Italian |
Japanese |
Korean |
Kosovan |
Latvian |
Macedonian |
Malayan - Indonesian |
Montengran |
Norway |
Polish |
Português |
Romanian |
Serbian |
Simplified Chinese |
Slovak |
Slovenian |
Spanish |
Swahili |
Swedish |
Thai |
Traditional Chinese |
Turkish |
Ukrainian |
Vietnamese |
Zulu |