The fans sing it to support the Independent of Medellín team from Colombia
Oh, It doesn't give them embarrassment, Oh oh oh, Oh, It doesn't give them embarrassment, I don't steal them, They are fifty ... (Repeated ...)
Los hinchas la cantan para dar apoyo al equipo Independiente de Medellín, Colombia
Oh, No les da verguenza, Oh Oh Oh, Oh, No les da verguenza, No les robo, Son cincuenta... (Repeated...)
The fans sing it to support the Independent of Medellín team from Colombia
Oh, It doesn't give them embarrassment, Oh oh oh, Oh, It doesn't give them embarrassment, I don't steal them, They are fifty ... (Repeated ...)
Los hinchas la cantan para dar apoyo al equipo Independiente de Medellín, Colombia
Un clásico aliento de los hinchas del Atlético
Ya vas a ver una barra que es la mas loca de todas que
La hinchada del Nacional alentando a una de sus figuras