Decime Boca: CARP Songs

Canto tradicional de la hinchada contra la hinchada de Boca, haciendo memoria de peleas entre barras sucedidas en partidos anteriores. En este caso en Mar del Plata en un partido de verano


Decime Boca que pasó en Mar del Plata, Que no te dio la nafta, No pudiste aguantar, Todos esos gordos que se la dan de guapos, Vieron a los Borrachos y se fueron para atrás... Hay que vergüenza, Que a los que se plantaron, Los dejaste tirados, Corriste sin parar, Por eso vos sos un cagón, La mentira se acabó, Que paliza que te dieron, Los Borrachos del Tablón, Por eso vos sos un cagón, La mentira se acabó, Esos si son los Borrachos, Los que te corren a vos...

'avin a go chant of the crowd against Boca fans, remembering hooligans fights occurred in previous matches. In this case in Mar del Plata on a summer season game


Tell me Boca what happened in Mar del Plata, What you didn't have enough gas, You could not keep up, All those fat a*ses that think they're great, They saw Los Borrachos and ran away... Oh how embarrassing, That those of you who stayed, You just abandoned them, You ran without stopping, That's why you're a coward, The lie is finished, What a beating they gave you, Los Borrachos del Tablón, That's why you're a coward, The lie is finished, Yes these are Los Borrachos, The ones who you are running from...

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