Tú Eres Mi Amigo del Alma: CDUC Songs

Canción de hinchas de la UC


Se viene la pilsen helada, Se viene la pilsen helada, Se viene la pilsen helada para festejar, Se viene la pilsen helada, Se viene la pilsen helada, Se viene la pilsen helada para festejar, Tú eres mi amigo del alma mi buen compañero, Tú eres pasión mi locura todo un sentimiento, Por eso te pido que dejes la vida en la cancha, El resto lo pone la hinchada que aquí te acompaña, Nosotros pasamos momentos muy tristes y alegres, Y esta hinchada alentándote estuvo presente, A mi no me importa si ganas empatas o pierdes, Nosotros seguimos cantando "Cato hasta la muerte", Dale Dale Dale Oh, Dale Dale Dale Oh, Que la Cato es mi pasión, Lo llevo en el corazón, Dale Dale Dale Oh, Dale Dale Dale Oh, Que la Cato es mi pasión, Lo llevo en el corazón…

Song from UC supporters


It comes the cold beer, It comes the cold beer, It comes the cold beer, It comes the cold beer for celebrating, It comes the cold beer, It comes the cold beer, It comes the cold beer, It comes the cold beer for celebrating, You are my soulmate, my good partner, You are passion, my madness, an entire feeling, That's why I beg you to give all your life in the field, What's left is given by the fans that here are with you, We spent very sad and happy moments, And those supporters were present encouraging you, I don't care whether you win, draw or lose, We keep singing "Cato until die", Come on, come on, oh, Come on, come on, oh, Cato is my passion, I carry it in my heart, Come on, come on, oh, Come on, come on, oh, Cato is my passion, I carry it in my heart…

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