I'd Rather Be a Scouser! Chant
sung to the tune of 'she'll be coming round the mountain'
18 Marzo 2010
Another great English football classic chant adapted for the Tranmere.
27 Febbraio 2008
Another great English football classic chant adapted for the Tranmere.
Another great English football classic chant adapted for the Tranmere.
27 Febbraio 2008
Keep's marching on, and on. Another great Tranmere ringtone.
27 Febbraio 2008
Classic Tranmere chant - origins unknown but has been sung for years - some say it come from the dock workers at cammel lairds other say from rugby.
27 Febbraio 2008
To the tune of the Great Escape. Steve McQueen would be proud.
27 Febbraio 2008
For our former Congolese striker who adapted well after bumpy start.
27 Febbraio 2008
Big girl, Tranmere taking the p*ss out of the soft opposition.
27 Febbraio 2008
For our top striker Chris Greenacre, for the Lord made us truly thankful.
27 Febbraio 2008
I'd Rather Be a Scouser! Chant
sung to the tune of 'she'll be coming round the mountain'
18 Marzo 2010
If You Ever Come to Prenton Park Chant
Sung to the tune of The Halls of Montezuma" - The march of the US Marine Corps
24 Giugno 2008
Sung at Leeds, Yorkshire can be changed to the name of any county
08 Settembre 2008
If You All Stewards Clap Your Hands Chant
Stewards can easily be changed to the name of a team/players/police man (and has been).
07 Settembre 2008
When I Was Just a Little Boy Chant
classic tranmere chant about are hatred over the scouse basterds
28 Novembre 2008
Who's the Bast*rd in the Black Chant
avin a go at the ref when hes made a bad decision!!
29 Novembre 2008
i think our hooligans sing this i really dont know on this one
02 Dicembre 2008
Charlie Barnett - He's on the Left, He's on the Right Chant
Charlie Barnett's OWN song!
25 Novembre 2009