This is the national anthem sleman fans ED: No translation supplied with this great song. If you know it please provide and send to [email protected]
28 Febbraio 2017
Sleman is on fire. Can you help with the English translation of the lyrics?
25 Settembre 2013
Bogi Santoso, Fachrudin, Anang Hadi, Tri Handoko Chant
When we're in need of a goal and excellent defense
Bogi Santoso, Fachrudin, Anang Hadi, Tri Handoko Chant
When we're in need of a goal and excellent defense
12 Aprile 2012
Agung, Abda, Anang, Basten Chant
Song for the Heroes. Please let us know if you a rough English translation of this chant in the comments - thank you!
17 Maggio 2013
Sleman is on fire. Can you help with the English translation of the lyrics?
25 Settembre 2013
Sorry - no lyrics for this one, do you know them? If so please enter them in the comments box
09 Aprile 2013
This is the national anthem sleman fans ED: No translation supplied with this great song. If you know it please provide and send to [email protected]
28 Febbraio 2017