A Portuguesa (Hino Nacional de Portugal): FPF Songs

O nosso Hino Nacional


Heróis do mar, Nobre povo, Nação valente, Imortal, Levantai hoje de novo, O esplendor de, Portugal, Entre as brumas, Da memória, Ó pátria sente-se, A voz, Dos teus egrégios Avós, Que há-de, Guiar-te à vitória, Às armas, às armas, Sobre a terra e sobre o mar, Às armas, às armas, Pela Pátria lutar, Contra os canhões, Marchar, marchar...

A Portuguesa (The Portuguese) was first composed to respond to the British Ultimatum (1890). Instead of Against the cannons, march, march, it was: Against the British, march, march


Heroes of the sea, Noble people, Brave and immortal nation, Rise once again, Portugal's splendor, From out of the mists of memory, Oh Homeland, we hear the voices, Of your great forefathers, That shall lead you on to victory, To arms, to arms, On land and sea, To arms, to arms, To fight for our Homeland, Against the cannons, March on, march on...

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