Persija Sepanjang Masa: Persija Songs

Bernyanyi dengan konsep jalinan antar tribun


Dari waktu ke waktu, Cintaku padamu, Tak ada yang berubah, Persija Jakarta, Menang kalah dan seri, Kutetap bernyanyi, Lantangkan suara ini, Persija sampai mati... Ale... Ale... Ale... Huh! Ale... Ale... Ale... Huh! Ale... Ale... Ale... Huh! Ale... Ale... Ale... Huh!

Singing with the concept of intertwining between the stands


From time to time, My love for you, Nothing has changed, Persija Jakarta, Wins lost and the series, I keep singing, Sound like this, Persevere to death... Ale... Ale... Ale... Huh! Ale... Ale... Ale... Huh! Ale... Ale... Ale... Huh! Ale... Ale... Ale... Huh!

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