A new Steven Gerrard song, great stuff!
Steven Gerrard is our captain, Steven Gerrard is a red, Steven Gerrard plays for Liverpool, A Scouser born and bred. Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur, Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur, Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur. And then one night in Turkey, It was 21 years since Rome, With a Liverbird upon his chest, He brought the cup back home, Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur, Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur, Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur…
Oh Steven Gerrard - Too Good to Be True Chant
Classic song worthy of Stevie G (Ed: Very good indeed)
We All Dream of a Team of Carraghers Chant
Don't we all dream of them, all 12 of them?
Sung to the tune of the Beatles 'Yellow Submarine', this was first heard at Anfield in the 1960s.