Carlos Tevez: LFC Songs

Harsh but fair


His Neck Scars Proves he's lost his head, Tevez Tevez, He'll never s*ag a sexy bird, Tevez Tevez, You ugly tw*t, You dirty c*nt, They've stitched your head on back to front, Carlos Tevez, Herman Munster's Son. Nanananananana, Nanananananana, You dirty cu*t, you ugly tw*t, You better fuc*k off you little rat, Carlos Tevez you fu*king backward tw*t.. Also sung with: You´ll never sh*g a sexy bird, Tevez, Tevez, You´ll never sh*g a sexy bird, Tevez, Tevez, You Argie tw*t, you are a c*nt, You´ve sown your head on back to front, Calrlos Tevez, Herman Munster head...

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