Bohs fans change old school tune into a song about ecstasy and their team.. Ed: you can't actually hear these words on the recording but we're assuming there's some fans singing 'em so we're leaving them in!
Freed from desire - mind and senses purified, Freed from desire - mind and senses purified, The Bohs ain't got no money, we've got our bags of Es...
Bohs fans change old school tune into a song about ecstasy and their team.. Ed: you can't actually hear these words on the recording but we're assuming there's some fans singing 'em so we're leaving them in!
Tallaghts, I Wanna Go Home Chant
Brilliant chant sang away to Rovers - not the greatest version though, let us know if you have a clearer one
Don't Worry, About a Thing Chant
Bohs fans singing the legendary Bob Marley song "three little birds"