An adaptation of Manchester United's "United Road" chant for Singapore. (Original source by Lions All The Way (LATW) Crew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjl49xd5qIc )
Take Me Home To Tyrwhitt Road, To The Place I Belong, To Jalan Besar Stadium, For Singapura, Take Me Home Tyrwhitt Road...
SG on SpotifyDuric, Only 41, Better Than Zidane! Chant
Song for our local legend, Aleksandar Duric
An adaptation of Manchester United's "United Road" chant for Singapore. (Original source by Lions All The Way (LATW) Crew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjl49xd5qIc )
Exclusinga Will Always Be with You Chant
Please help us with the lyrics if you can?
Adapted from Celtic's 'Come On You Bhoys In Green'
Bara Bara Bara, Bere Bere Bere- Kita Singapura (Latw Crew) Chant
Adapted from Michael Telo's Bara Bara Bara, Bere Bere Bere Song. If anyone could help witht he trasnlation of the last line that would be great - cheers
Here We Go, Come on Lions Chant
Song to sing for the last few minutes of the half
A song for Shahdan Sulaiman (Singapore and Tampines Rovers)